Where are we on the current debt cycle?
There are multiple stages of the cycle
- Early part: debt is used to create productivity incomes and cane be serviced well; asset price goes up, everything great
- Bubble: unemployment is low, everybody extrapolates the past; since asset classes go up, they think it will continue to go up; and you borrow money and they leverage; people who calculate will find that we will not be able to sustain that level of debt growth
- Top: central bank starts to put on brakes, tighten monetary policy
- Down/depression: when interest rates hit zero, you must have quantitative easing and you begin the expansion
The period we are in is very similar to when we are in 1930’s. there are only two periods of debt crisis in the contrary when the interest rate hits zero. In both times, the central bank must print money and go to a different type of monetary policy (quantitative easing) and to buy financial assets. This drives up asset and start recovery, but it drives interest rates down to zero or near zero, and that buying (in this case 15 trillion of financial assets).
It’s also caused populism, more populism. Because that process creates wealth gap. The top 10% is about to the bottom 90% combined.
We are in the later part of the cycle where QE has been used most of its energy, asset prices are up, interest rates are low, and we are beginning a tightening of monetary policy (not too much capacity to squeeze out of the economy). Very much like the begin of 1937. And we have a political situation that we have more of a conflict between the rich and the poor, which brings up populism/nationalism around the world.
The current reflection: where we are and the concerns
We are in the 7th inning of a 9 inning game. We are in the later part of the cycle, the part of the cycle in which monetary policy is tightening, and as interest rates rise, if they rise faster than is discounted in the curve, asset prices will fall. And some point we are going to have a down turn because that’s why we have recessions.
The concern is what that down turn would be. It not likely to be immediate. Maybe in 2 years.
Geo-politically, antagonism between Established power and immerging power, rising china and united states. It starts as economic rivalry and become antagonism.
What to do to avoid what happened in 1930s-40s?
To make sure that capitalism works for most people. Look at the bottom 60% as metric. Is it Improving the wealth gap (the increase in asset value is not accruing to 6—80% of the population)? Opportunity gap? Should be considered an imperative.
We are in a privileged position to have a reserve currency. One determination of how debt can be managed is whether debt is denominated in their own currency.
We will have a squeeze to not only debt, but to pensions and health care obligations.
President should declare it as a national emergency. Bring together a commission of people, a bipartisan commission to be dealing with it, in public private partnership. For example, education (22% of high school students in Connecticut is disengaged or disconnected); Support micro-finance.
Does it mean an increase in tax? Probably, but more important is increase in productivity.
Do you have concern over the current way president Trump is dealing with debt? Not too much concern for private debt. I am concerned in about 2-year time the amount of dollar-denominated debt we need to sell abroad, which we need for funding the deficit and to have the Fed balance sheet to go down. That will require a significant amount of selling and will have an upward pressure on interest rates.
Right now, we are in a short squeeze in dollar (a debt is a short position in dollar, because it’s a promise to deliver dollars you don’t own), because there are a lot of dollar-denominated debt.
If we have lots of countries that have borrowed in dollars and have their cash flow in local currency (such as we see in Argentina, turkey and Brazil), they are in a debt squeeze. That caused the dollars to rise and that debt squeeze will be passed in two years. At the same time, if we are to sell lots of dollar-denominated debt, and that would be bearish for dollar, at that point.
What a normal investor should do?
There are two key parts of investing. First, what’s the strategic asset allocation? Second, the tactical moving around bet in alpha. For average people, don’t do market timing. Get a balanced and diversified portfolio, which Ray calls an all-weather portfolio.
How to tell where we are in the cycle?
- Watch how much slack we have in the cycle. What’s the unemployment rate? What’s the central bank doing, is it tightening monetary policy?
- How much debt has been used to finance those purchases
- Amount of sentiment the euphoria
- The pricing- how much growth has built into pricing (the yield on stock and debt), the credit spread